ADF's make great aquarium pets, but fish aquariums are not always great for ADF's. We'll give you the info you won't get from aquarium experts, who know tropical fish, but little about these frogs..............

Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Get to know your African Dwarf Frog 2012

EDITORS NOTE: This was first published back in 2009. Since each Christmas, we gain so many new EcoAquarium Owners, it's a good idea to repost this article since it covers a lot of ground concerning African Dwarf Frogs.

This holiday season, someone somewhere is getting a gift of an EcoAquarium(TM). If you have received one, you may now be searching out more information about your desktop eco-system and it's web-footed inhabitant. Here's some info about our star of the show...Hymenochirus Curtipes, the African Dwarf Frog.
Small in stature, big in personality...
Home Swamp Home
African Dwarf Frogs (ADF) are originally native to the rain forest swamps & wetlands of West Africa, but due to man's development of the land in the region, it's natural habitat has virtually all been erased.

Friday, December 21, 2012

Hoppy Holidays!

Just a reminder... Wild Creations will be closed Friday, Dec 21st. thru Monday, Jan 1st. to be with family, and enjoy the Holidays. From all of us to all of you HOPPY Holidays!

Monday, November 26, 2012

Some call it Cyber-Monday...We Call It...

All day Monday, purchase a Classic or Jewel EcoAquarium, you can take $3.99 off your purchase ($22.99 or greater). 
It's the price for 1 years supply of frog food! ENJOY!

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Happy Thanksgiving!

The Thanksgiving Holiday is upon us! We wish your family all the best with a safe & thankful Thanksgiving!
Our offices will be closed Noon Wednesday through the weekend, but we'll be busy Monday morning getting orders out as the Holiday season start up full throttle.

BTW, don't forget to shop the website! Starting Friday through Monday, purchase a Classic or Jewel EcoAquarium, you can take $3.99 off your purchase ($22.99 or greater). 
It's the price for 1 years supply of frog food! ENJOY!

Friday, October 12, 2012

Here's lookin' at you kid...

Over & over, we get comments in emails and on our facebook page, about how captivating these African Dwarf Frogs are. Everyone enjoys how these little frogs seem to stand up and watch the goings on outside their EcoAquarium, or even swim to the surface to see what's going on. It's common for someone to comment that " frogs come over to the side of the tank and watch me...".

While we'd love to say that these frogs have the smarts to recognize their owners, we can't, we know better.  Frogs are, like most amphibians, a creature that relies more on instinct & less on self-awareness. On a practical level, lets shed light on what is happening for real when your frogs come over and investigate whats happening over on your side of the EcoAquarium.

In nature, the water world of the African Dwarf Frog is a shallow rain forest swamp. If you have ever been around a swamp, one of the first things you'd notice is how murky the water is. The "turbidity", or the cloudiness of the water, is due to the high amounts of algae and tannins, the byproduct of decomposing plant matter. It is a world where the ability to see clearly is less as important than it is to determine light & dark. A world these frogs are well accustomed to.

An African Dwarf Frog doesn't see things like you & me. Instead of sharp eyesight, the frogs sees shapes, colors, darkness & light. It sees enough to sense movement. Smear a pair of dark glasses with a lot of Vaseline, you'd get the idea of what your frogs see in it's swamp water home.

On the other hand, the world of the EcoAquarium, the water is a lot cleaner and more clear than a rain forest swamp, and the world outside is a world full of light, shapes & colors, & MOVEMENT. Sitting on your desk or counter, your frogs are always on the lookout for movement. To them it means food or foe... something to eat, or something that may eat them. That's why when you come up to the EcoAquarium, you'll likely see your frog scamper behind something...reacting to some big shape moving nearby. But most of the time you'll glance over at the EcoAquarium and see them standing up watching the big world outside.

But why do they sometimes swim to the surface when you come over to the tank, often during feeding time? While for the most part, our frogs rely on instinct, they do learn, they learn when something appears over the tank, food sometimes magically appears.

Personally, do my frogs recognize me? I don't know. I think they do, or at least sense that the big moving shape out there is about to rain down some food pellets their way.

Friday, July 27, 2012

Coming to Stores EVERYWHERE!

Wild Creations has got the Goods... ready for store shelves nation wide!  The popular self-contained bio-system aquarium is now available in a "Dry-Goods" packaging concept. Now stores can stock a EcoAquarium™ Kit with a redeemable coupon for the "Live Goods", which are fulfilled separately from the Wild Creations website.
Answering the call from stores wishing to stock the popular aquatic product, but not having to contend with the need to stock live frogs & plants, Wild Creations developed the dry goods packaging to meet that need. "It's a working winner..." says Pete Gasca, Wild Creations CEO, "...since we ship live plants & animals nationwide already, we can offer an attractive product with a indefinite shelf life."
The EcoAquarium™ Kit includes a Tank and Lid, along with decorative rocks & gravel, plastic tank base, food and complete instructions. Also included will be a redeemable coupon for ordering the Live Frogs, Living Gravel™ & Lucky Bamboo which completes the EcoAquarium™. After purchase, customers may order the live goods online.
Look for the EcoAquarium™Kit making it into stores this fall.
ATTN:STORE OWNERS Interested? Let us know...send us a email asking for more info at

Friday, June 22, 2012

Cool Baby keeps Monsters at Bay!

Check out Cool Baby Kid for a special COUPON CODE
When our daughter had “monsters” in her bedroom, we bought a fish (and Little Mermaid tank) to keep her company. It actually helped, but then my son was left animal-less until we were introduced to EcoAquarium, a perfect solution for a family that knows very little about pets and their upkeep. READ MORE

Friday, May 25, 2012

Memorial Day in America

This Memorial Day, Wild Creations is proud to offer a prayer of thanks for those who paid the ultimate sacrifice upon the altar of freedom, as well as honor & salute our nations service men & women serving our country today. 

Memorial Day is observed on the last Monday of May. It was formally known as Decoration Day and commemorates all men and women, who have died in military service for the United States. Many people visit cemeteries and memorials on Memorial Day and it is traditionally seen as the start of the summer season. READ MORE

Monday, April 30, 2012

Love is in the Water

The following article is a repost from last year, it fitting we present it again for those just joining us and missed it the first time. -ED
It’s spring again! The time of year that signals the start of warm weather, green grass and bright flowers, baseball, BBQs, and amplexing. That’s right, you heard me … amplexing.
And, while this may not float your boat this time of year, it is definitely on the minds of our little African dwarf frogs.
Spring is mating season for frogs, the time of year when frogs become a little more aggressive … and a little more provocative. For the most part, the mating season passes quickly, but it undoubtedly raises very stimulating questions about the behavior of your frogs.

Thursday, April 5, 2012

Our hats off to Mommy & Me for cranking up a great giveaway! Someone is getting a free Jewel All-in-One Kit, just by participating. So what are you waiting for?

Friday, March 30, 2012

Another Anniversary

Happy 3 Year Anniversary to
Janet Noto
By: Peter Gasca, Co-Founder and CEO Wild Creations
Happy 3-Year Anniversary to Janet Noto of Wild Creations!  Janet, originally from Marlboro, NY, has lived in Myrtle Beach (Murrells Inlet to be exact) for the past four years, three of which she has spent with Wild Creations as a Client Service Manager!  As a member of the team with the longest seniority, she has seen the good, the bad and the downright ugly and has been an invaluable asset through it all.  In fact, we were proud that her wonderful character was recognized in August with an outstanding Customer Service Award

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Five Years ... and Counting!

2007 Original Catalog
By Peter Gasca, Co-Founder and CEO Wild Creations

Last week marked the five year anniversary for Wild Creations!  And, like any proud parent, all I can do is ask myself … Where did the time go???

When my business partner and Wild Creations' Co-Founder, Rhett Power, and I started this business in March 2007, we of course had big aspirations.  Our goal was not to run a company simply to “make a living” for each of our families, but instead to establish and nurture an exciting and adventurous business that attracted partners who shared our passion for life and desire to make an impact.  It seemed a pretty straight forward and altruistic goal.  Really, what could go wrong?

Monday, March 12, 2012

Happy Birthday to Us...Happy Birthday to Us...

Things are a little giddy around here...

We've reached a milestone. We're FIVE YEARS OLD!
And I think someone has spiked the Birthday punchbowl... the Boss just OK'd this SALE!

Here's a birthday present to you! To celebrate 5 YEARS in business,  the head frog has knocked $5 off the price of our Jewel All-in-One Kits! Regularly $39.99, this week on sale for $34.99. Hurry order one and save, (before the punch runs out!) CLICK HERE!

HURRY, this week ONLY, March 12-18, 2012!

Monday, February 20, 2012

Something to whet your appetite...

Over at our facebook page, we've been tinkering away, doing some sprucing up. We've added some features like a feed of this blog, a video page, easier links to our online catalog, and most especially, we've set up a coupon page. Because while it's nice that we have neat videos to watch, informative articles to read, great customer service, and quick access to available products, we know what you all really want...A DEAL!
Yep, everyone wants something... and preferably at a discount. That's what we all search for, it gives us all meaning, purpose, something that let's us say LOOKIE what I GOT!!!

So. You've read this far. If we have your attention, you're welcome to click this link to find out more...

Monday, January 30, 2012

Siblings team up with Wild Creations to sell their toy invention, FlipOutz

Wild Creations offers new, unique toys

- For The Sun News

GED46SA4L.3        About four years ago, siblings Erin, La
chlan and Jake Johnson were riding home to Charlotte, N.C., after a trip to Myrtle Beach with their parents, Robin and Emily Johnson.
“We were bickering in the back seat,” Lachlan said.
To stop the bickering, their parents challenged them to come up with an idea for a product that they would like to see on the market. Read more here:

Friday, January 13, 2012

STOP THE PRESSES!!! Even smaller frog discovered!

A dozen frogs would fit on a penny with room to spare. Instead, this tiny frog, Microhyla nepenthicola, prefers to hang out in the cozy confines of carnivorous pitcher plants. The species, found in the rainforests Borneo, has been known for years, but had been mis-identified as a juvenile of another species. It's only been recently that scientists realized it was a full grown species of it's own. This link tells more...

Thursday, January 12, 2012

Scientist finds Frog Smaller than Ours!

Sitting on top of half a dime is Paedophryne amauensis,  officially the smallest vertebrate on earth.  The new species of frog was discovered in Papua New Guinea, where it lives in leaf detritus on the rainforest floor.  Read more about him including a video of how scientists discovered the species here.
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