ADF's make great aquarium pets, but fish aquariums are not always great for ADF's. We'll give you the info you won't get from aquarium experts, who know tropical fish, but little about these frogs..............

Thursday, July 29, 2010


Best Seller & Multi-Award Winner EcoAquarium™ Wins 2010 Gold

How can you judge if a product is a good bet for the whole family? Ask a Mom! That’s the idea behind the Mom’s Choice Awards that recognizes inventors and companies for their efforts in creating quality family-friendly products. Wild Creations and its Classic EcoAquarium have just been named a Gold recipient in the 2010 Mom’s Choice Awards in its Educational Product category.
(Read More)

Monday, July 19, 2010

WildCreations Receives Three Tillywig 2010 Sterling Fun Awards

Here’s two phrases you’ve probably never heard in the same sentence, “science” and “insanely fun toys!”

Until now, that is. And the actual sentence would be “Wild Creations makes insanely fun science toys!” The reason for this is that the wacked-out geniuses at Wild Creations actually think that science is a whole lot of fun. And besides the thousands of kids who love them, the judges at Tillywig are apparently also in agreement because Wild Creations just received three Tillywig 2010 Sterling Fun Awards.
In order to be selected as a Tillywig award winner, a product must be determined to have high entertainment and/or educational value. Tillywig's awards program provides retail buyers, news media,parents, and consumers with product information and reviews of superior children's products available in today's marketplace. After extensive testing, they bestowed three different awards – Sterling Fun, Brain Child and Sterling Fun -- to children’s products currently on specialty toy store shelves. (Read More)

Thursday, July 15, 2010


150+ Franchisees Wild About Company & Best Seller EcoAquarium™

Learning Express stores, the nation’s largest educational toy retailer, stock their shelves coast to coast with the most innovative and captivating products for today’s youth market. At last month’s annual convention, they went wild over one of their newest toy vendors and its best selling product – Wild Creations and its Eco-Aquarium. (Read the Full Article Here)

Friday, July 9, 2010

MetroMoms test new toys including our EcoAquarium

Dallas CBS Affilliate CBS11/TXA 21 had this segment on their morning show, showing innovative new toys including our Wild Creations EcoAquarium. Our Thanks to CBS11 and Tina Wysk of MetroMoms for the good plug.

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Creative Child Magazine Awards 3 WC Toys

Awards were handed down to three toys from Wild Creations by Creative Child Magazine, who's Toy Guide is a definitive standard in the toy industry.

Creative Child Magazine's Awards Program is unique in that all products submitted are reviewed by moms, music educators and early education professionals. Products are not reviewed by any one person. They are reviewed by many people-the very people who purchase them.

Each year, a 2-day event is held in Henderson, Nevada where over a hundred guest reviewers are invited to attend our organized review event at our local convention center. All products are divided into categories and displayed at various review stations. Guest reviewers are asked to sit and review each products at one station and then move to another station and so forth and so on. This allows for each product to be given multiple reviews.

The three products offered by Wild Creations; RC Rattlesnake, Pocket Microscope & Hologram Chamber are new additions to Wild Creations product line which is geared to offering science & nature themed products.

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Parents' Choice Chooses Classic EcoAquarium

Our Classic EcoAquarium is a miniature eco-system in balance and perfect for teaching children about the environment. The seen-it-all judges at the Parents’ Choice Foundation’s Spring 2010 Awards heartily agreed, giving it two green thumbs up with a revered Approved Seal.

Perfect for a child’s bedroom, the classroom or living large on the kitchen counter, the Classic EcoAquarium is a hit with kids. Each EcoAquarium

is a complete aquatic ecosystem environment that requires no additional chemicals, filters, or aeration. Simply change the water every five or six months using fresh, bottled spring water.

According to the Parents’ Choice website, only 20% of those items submitted to the Parents’ Choice Awards™ program receive a commendation in one of the six award levels! The Parents’ Choice Awards committees look for products that entertain and teach with flair, stimulate imagination and inspire creativity.

Friday, July 2, 2010

The New Website's here! The New Website's here!

YES, now we ARE somebody!
(If you don't get it, go watch the Steve Martin movie, THE JERK)

It's been a year in the making, but the new website is up and running, with a new look, more features, and soon...MORE PRODUCTS!

Many thanks to the good folks at Gearbox Studios for bringing it to life, and a special thanks to all our customers, without them all of it wouldn't be possible.

What'cha doin' readin' dis? Go check out the website...
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