ADF's make great aquarium pets, but fish aquariums are not always great for ADF's. We'll give you the info you won't get from aquarium experts, who know tropical fish, but little about these frogs..............

Thursday, December 19, 2013

FEEDING FROGS: When a little is a lot

Wild Creations Co-Founder Peter Gasca responded recently to a customer e-mail which address's a common concern many have with conflicting information given about African Dwarf Frogs. We thought it was worth republishing here on the blog...

Brenda writes:
"Good morning.  I have read articles from PetSmart and PetCo that state the African Dwarf Frog needs to be fed every day but you state that it should only be twice a week.  I am very confused.  I want them to be healthy but if i over feed, they will die and if they don't get fed enough they will die as well.  Can you help out?  Thanks"

A little bit goes a long way.
Thank you so much for the email.  The information you received from PetSmart and Petco is not inaccurate, but it doesn't consider the feeding portions.  Many websites, big retailers included, will tell you that you need to feed daily with blood worms or brine shrimp, which are small and not very dense.  The food we provide is formulated for these frogs and is highly concentrated with the nutrients they need, and therefore feedings twice a week is suffice.  Also, the twice a week feedings is a minimum we recommend, but you are more than welcome to feed more often.  I would not, however, encourage you to feed every day, as most of the food will go uneaten and simply soil the aquarium.
We often receive the question about feeding more often, mostly because many people "humanize" the frog experience and assume they have the same metabolic and nutritional needs as us.  This, as is the case with many other animals, is just not the case.  These frogs could, as they might if left in nature to fend for themselves, go several weeks without feeding.  Their metabolism, however, is such that it will conserve energy until there is a food source.  We would never recommend withholding food for so long, but for these reasons, twice a week is more than suffice.

I would also note that we have been working with these frogs for well over nine years now (over two million in total), and the feeding schedule we recommend, with our food, has proven time and time again to be more than suffice for these little frogs.  They will go on to live as long as two or three years, and in some cases, as many as six or seven (we often receive emails from customers who have had their frogs for that long!).  Our experience is that this feeding is not only suffice, it is the best for their health and the life of the ecosystem habitat.

If you have any other questions, please feel free to email or phone our office at 843-448-8880.
Pete Gasca

Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Avoid getting too stuffed!

From our family to yours. We wish you all a wonderful Thanksgiving.

Tuesday, November 26, 2013


Why bother with standing in lines, fighting traffic & the crowds, when you can do all your Holiday shopping right here. And as icing on the cake, here's a little inducement to shop with US!

Friday, November 22, 2013

ATTENTION Indiana University Fans!

Since College Basketball is a jumping sport, and since frogs jump... OK, that's NOT the reason we've created a new colored gravel combination for our EcoAquariums.  But if you're a IU fan, that's good enough reason as any. Introducing new Red & White Gravel, (Crimson & Cream to you Hoosiers), coming to stores nationwide and available on our online store right now!

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

How the Tree Frog Has Redefined Our View of Biology

By Helen Fields
Smithsonian magazine

Karen Warkentin, wearing tall olive-green rubber boots, stands on the bank of a concrete-lined pond at the edge of the Panamanian rainforest. She pulls on a broad green leaf still attached to a branch and points out a shiny clutch of jellylike eggs. “These guys are hatchable,” she says.
Red-eyed tree frogs, Agalychnis callidryas, lay their eggs on foliage at the edge of ponds; when the tadpoles hatch, they fall into the water. Normally, an egg hatches six to seven days after it is laid. The ones that Warkentin is pointing to, judging from their size and shape, are about five days old, she says. Tiny bodies show through the clear gel-filled membrane. Under a microscope, the red hearts would just be visible. READ MORE

Thursday, October 10, 2013

National Breast Cancer Awareness Month

Pink is a popular gravel color in our Classic & Jewel EcoAquariums. It's also the color of NATIONAL BREAST CANCER AWARENESS. All this month Pink Gravel will aid in the fight against breast cancer. Order a Classic or Jewel EcoAquarium with pink gravel, we will donate $1 toward cancer research, specifically to aid in the fight against breast cancer.
Join us in standing up for a good cause!

Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Behind these doors...

Three weeks into our move to our new home near the Market Common in Myrtle Beach SC, we've got on top of the moving boxes and almost have everything put away somewhere. The building is great for us, for it has really allows us to streamline the production of our EcoAquariums.
One of our prep tables with Classics bound for shops & stores throughout the Southeast US.

All our desktop froggies have acclimated themselves...

Our admin office is big, bright & airy!
The flow-thru layout allows faster production and delivery.
It's all a matter of quicker delivery & faster service!
If ever you're down this way come on by and check out our new place!

Monday, July 29, 2013

The new place is a sure winner!

Taking a former Air Force Equipment Hangar and turning it into Dwarf Frog Central is a Herculean task! But after a hard weekend move and a lot of hours of hard work by everyone involved, we have the operation keeping pace with our orders. WELCOME TO OUR NEW HOME!

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

New Look for same great Company

Every so often, you got to try a new wardrobe... a new shirt, fresh pair of shoes, or a new dress. It's no different with a company... sometimes you got to freshen things up!
"We're still the Wild Creations company who's made a big splash..." says Company Co-founder Rhett Power, "we just wanted a new look, so we went to our customers for advice."
True. Powers & company enlisted help from their growing social-networking customer base to help pick their new logo. "We posted several designs on facebook & twitter, asking our customers to vote their favorite... said Powers, "after hundreds of votes, it boiled down to the best looking logo around!"

This week marks the "official" roll-out of the new "Splash" design logo, as Powers & fellow company co-founder, Peter Gasca, hold court in of all places, at the National Hardware Show in Las Vegas, (BOOTH REG-50).
"We do well thinking outside the box," says Peter Gasca, explaining their presence at the largest hardware & home goods show in the nation, "we've had success presenting our EcoAquariums to the toy market, instead of the traditional pet market, so why not see if we can gain attention in other markets as well."
Booth REG-50 at the Hardware Show in Las Vegas
Thinking outside the box has indeed paid off for the South Carolina based company, which was the fastest growing company in the State in 2011, and made it into Inc Magazines prestigious 500/5000 ranking, of the fastest growing companies nation-wide.
If you attend the show in Las Vegas, stop by and meet Rhett & Pete at the Wild Creations Booth,  located near the main registration center, at Booth# REG-50.  It's easy to spot... it's got the snazziest logo around!

Friday, February 1, 2013

Introducing SassaB™ Linkable Charms

Wild Creations  is pleased to announce a new product heading your way! Soon to be in stores everywhere are the linkable charms of SassaB™.

 SassaB Styles are endless! Wear them in your hair, as custom necklace, bracelet or anklet,on backpack, book or sports bag, lunchbox, shoelaces, doggy or kitty collar. It's up to you! Create your Own Style!

Perfect for trading, collecting, birthday presents, gifts for the holidays, stocking stuffers, and fundraisers!  Coming this summer!

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Shipping suspended due to Winter Weather!

It's that time of year again...

Coldest Weather of the Season Affecting Central and Eastern U.S.

An arctic air mass is invading the Midwest and parts of the eastern U.S., bringing with it the coldest air so far this season for many locations. Highs on Tuesday and Wednesday remaining below zero for parts of the Upper Midwest, in the single digits to teens across the Ohio Valley and into the Northeast and in the 20s and 30s from the Mid-Atlantic into southern New England.

Due to the frigid Arctic Temperatures, we are suspending shipping of Live Animals & Plants for the rest of the week, January 22 - 25, except for limited regions along the US West Coast,  Southwestern, Central & Southeastern US. Tentatively, we will resume shipping Monday January 28, depending on conditions.
We apologize for the inconvenience, however our concerns are for the safety & welfare of our African Dwarf Frogs. You may still place orders, and if you live in warmer parts of the country you will see no interruption in delivery. Any questions, please give us a call at 843-448-8880, M-F 9AM-5PM. Meanwhile, please stay safe & warm.
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