ADF's make great aquarium pets, but fish aquariums are not always great for ADF's. We'll give you the info you won't get from aquarium experts, who know tropical fish, but little about these frogs..............

Monday, October 31, 2011

Frogs, Witches & Halloween

Our favorite Halloween Costume
EDITORS NOTE: The following article is excerpted from "Animals & Witchcraft" on

For thousands of years, frogs and toads have been associated with myths, folklore and magic.  Sadly many of these myths and tales portray them as demons, creatures associated with the devil.  Some cultures however viewed them in a positive light, and saw them as representative of good fortune, protection, rain and fertility.  In some cultures the frog symbolized resurrection and a higher stage of spiritual awakening.  In the Rig Veda creation myths of the Hindus, the Great Frog supports the universe and is representative of the matter from which all is created.
In ancient times clay used to make pottery was collected from the banks of natural rivers and lakes, sites that would have had an abundance of frogs and toads.  The peoples of ancient Mesopotamia for example, collected clay from along the Tigris and Euphrates Rivers, where they undoubtedly encountered frogs and toads and later adopted them into their religious beliefs.

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Wild Creations Frog Blog: Flipoutz Inventors in Running for Industry Award

Wild Creations Frog Blog: Flipoutz Inventors in Running for Industry Award: WE'RE IN THE RUNNING!!! Vote for your favorite FLIPOUTZ Inventors...Erin, Jake & Lachlan Johnson for a TAGIE Award! What's a Tagie?...

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Flipoutz Inventors in Running for Industry Award


Vote for your favorite FLIPOUTZ Inventors...Erin, Jake & Lachlan Johnson for a TAGIE Award!

What's a Tagie?
TAGIE Awards recognizes toy and game inventors from across the country, whose playful creativity and inventiveness resulted in some of the most fun and entertaining play products on the market today. 
That's right!  You can help Lachlan, Erin, & Jake win by voting NOW!
It's here.

Friday, October 21, 2011

Wild Creations proves Business Success in a Stalled Economy

Even in a sluggish economy, there's still opportunities for business growth. Wild Creations has proved it possible. Recently Wild Creations was featured in a CNN article that described how different companies have succeeded despite economic hard times.

Check out CNN's article here...

Friday, October 14, 2011

Turtle Falls Off Forest Cliff: You Won’t Believe His Journey Home

EDITOR NOTE:Many thanks to Laura S. at for the original post...

Written By Steve O’Neil
In June, a man named Uncle Raoul was driving through a rocky gorge in Western North Carolina when he came upon an adult female Eastern Box Turtle sitting in the road.  He stopped his car to help the turtle across the street because they are usually not lost and do not need to be rescued and do not need to be taken to a new location — but this one was different.

Friday, October 7, 2011

What I Learned From Steve Jobs

by Peter Gasca, Co-Founder and CEO
This week, we lost one of the true visionaries of our time, Steve Jobs, the founder of Apple.  Steve's story is impressive when you consider that he set out on his quest to create and develop the most loved technology company in his early 20's, and succeeded beyond anybody's wildest expectations.  He had a dream.  He had a vision.  And he had the wherewithal, drive, and persistence to make it happen.

I learned many things from Steve.  I learned to have vision, not just five or ten years into the future, but a lifelong vision for the direction I see my life.  And, not just in business, but personally as well.  What type of person do I want to be?  How will I live my life?  How do I want to be remembered?  

In business, Steve was clearly one of the most respected product and marketing people in generations.  I still hold many of his business philosophies close.  His company is a model of innovation and efficiency and drive.  The people of Apple are not only great business men and women, they are luminaries, artists, poets.  Steve was never afraid to surround himself with people who filled the gaps.  His style, his philosophies, and his goals were always lofty, but it attracted and excited people.

Of course, there are those who say that Steve was a difficult person to get along with, and that he was a poor manager of people.  Malcom Gladwell, in his book Outliers: The Story of Success, makes the argument that Steve was the product of really good timing, from his birth place (California) to his birth year (entering the dawn of the computing era).  Mr. Gladwell does contend, however, as I would, that Steve was also the product of hard work, dedication and unwavering ambition.  Regardless of how you size up his methods or his timing, his body of work is remarkable.

Toward the end of his life, when Steve's mortality was tested, he stated elegantly in his Stanford Commencement Speech to the 2005 graduating class, "Don't live somebody else's life".  He certainly did not, and we should not either.  I strive to live my own life to the fullest of my ability, regardless of timing or surroundings or even luck.  This is what I learned from Steve Jobs.

Thank you Steve, for all you gave us.  Rest in peace.
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