ADF's make great aquarium pets, but fish aquariums are not always great for ADF's. We'll give you the info you won't get from aquarium experts, who know tropical fish, but little about these frogs..............

Friday, December 4, 2009

Terracotta Condo

Janice D. sent us some photos of a little addition to her Jewel EcoAquarium, a little "Home Improvement" project that was really neat! We loved it so much we made a little movie of the photos for all to see.

She wrote..."I purchased the pot at a Michaels
Craft store and soaked it in spring water for a day and a half and also
changed the spring water twice to make sure there was no dye etc. before
placing it in the frogs tank. They seem to love going in there and the
littlest frog slept in it last night!!

What a great idea! Thanks Janice for the photos, and we hope Sable, Able & Mable enjoy the new digs!

BTW! If you have tips, ideas or stories to share, drop us a line. We'd love to hear from you. Drop us a line anytime.

1 comment:

  1. We did a similar thing only we used a glass shot glass - we call it the "man" cave.


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